GraphQL queries — examples for begginers

Olena Liebiedieva
1 min readJun 1, 2020


No words, only code from dummy NestJS app.


@Query(returns => ClientDto, { nullable: true, name: ‘getClient’ }) 
async getClient(@Args(‘id’) id: string) {
return this.clientService.findById(id);
@Mutation(returns => ClientDto, { name: 'createClient' })
async createClient(@Args('client') client: ClientInputDto) {
return this.clientService.create(client as ClientEntity);
@Mutation(returns => ClientDto, { name: 'updateClient' })
async updateClient(
@Args('id') id: string,
@Args('client') client: ClientInputDto,
) {
return this.clientService.update(id, client);

schema.gql (code first)

type ClientDto {
name: String!
signUpDate: DateTime!
A date-time string at UTC, such as 2019-12-03T09:54:33Z, compliant with the date-time format.
scalar DateTimetype Query {
client(id: String!): ClientDto
type Mutation {
createClient(client: ClientInputDto!): ClientDto!
updateClient(client: ClientInputDto!, id: String!): ClientDto!
input ClientInputDto {
name: String!


mutation {
createClient(client: {name: "Olena"}) {name, signUpDate}
mutation {
client: {name: "Olena Yedyharova"},
id: "5ed551240592ba0569aa2751") {name, signUpDate}
query {
client(id: "5ed551240592ba0569aa2751") {name, signUpDate}

just a pic


