Olena LiebiedievainTowards Dev@nestjs/graphql things you should know about before starting a projectUnfortunately, we become aware of the good features of the framework only at the finish of the task or project.Jan 6, 2022Jan 6, 2022
Olena LiebiedievaWhat I’ve missed from HTTP 1.1Should I remember name of HTTP 1.1 RFC 2616 or RFC 2068 specification?Jun 13, 2020Jun 13, 2020
Olena LiebiedievaGraphQL queries — examples for begginersNo words, only code from dummy NestJS appJun 1, 2020Jun 1, 2020
Olena LiebiedievaDoes my loneliness makes me better?I never was alone before, in a past life. I am happy to born in a full family. I have a brother. I’ve got married at 17 and was married 17…May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
Olena LiebiedievaAngular notes: Pass data from the child component to the parent containerThe task is: to handle different child components in the one container with using their data on the parent level.Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019
Olena LiebiedievaSleeplessness and thinking over State Management in Angular SPAsWhen we start use Angular libraries for State Management we are focused mostly on their interfaces and functionality.Oct 18, 2019Oct 18, 2019
Olena LiebiedievaOne more regular expression for IP-addresses— A single IP like “”; — a mask “10.0.2.*” where any value in range 0..255 may be instead of wildcard symbol “*”; — a range…May 24, 2019May 24, 2019
Olena Liebiedieva4 mistakes I have made while learning Angular and RXJSSome tips that can be useful for Angular and RXJS beginnersMay 4, 2019May 4, 2019